Liquor Licensing

Liquor Licensing

As a leading liquor licensing firm in NSW, we have extensive experience in acting in relation to all licensing applications and related matters.

We can assist with all matters including: general advice on licence related matters; new liquor licence applications (hotel licence, packaged liquor licence, on-premises licence, producer/wholesaler licence, small bar licence, club licence & limited licence); Statements of Risk and Potential Effects; variations to existing licences including extended hours; licence related authorisations; prosecutions and disciplinary proceedings; and review applications (including NCAT appeals).

We have assembled a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in the area, to ensure that you are advised and assisted by professionals who are highly experienced and knowledgeable in liquor licensing matters.

We act for a diverse range of clients (from large corporations through to small operators).  We are regularly engaged to provide advice on some of the State's largest developments and projects.

The types of matters we can assist with, include:

  • General advice on all issues relating to the Liquor Act 2007/Liquor Regulation 2018 and associated legislation.

  • New grant/removal of liquor licences including in relation to the following:
    - Liquor store/bottleshop (packaged liquor licence - bottle shop & delivery);
    - Online bottleshop (packaged liquor licence - delivery only);
    - Hotels (full hotel licence/general bar licence);
    - Club licences;
    - Small bars;
    - Restaurants (including primary service authorisation (PSA));
    - Caterer's licence (function centre/off site catering only);
    - Producer licences (brewery/distillery/winery/vineyard) including drink on-premises authorisation;
    - Nightclubs/entertainment venues;
    - Karaoke venues;
    - Tenpin bowling centres/indoor recreation facilities;
    - Resorts and accommodation venues;
    - Theatres and cinemas;
    - Wholesale licences;
    - Pop-up licences;
    - Special event licences.

  • Licence authorisations:

    - Primary service authorisation (on-premises licence);
    - Drink on-premises authorisation (producer/wholesaler licence);
    - Sale on other premises authorisations (off-site catering);
    - Extended trading authorisation;
    - Minors area authorisation.
    - Takeaway sales authorisation

  • Vary existing authorisations

  • Change boundaries of licensed area

  • Extend hours

  • Change licence conditions

  • Transfer licensee

  • Manager approval and appointment (corporate licensee)

  • Live music venue applications

  • Noise complaint proceedings

  • Closure orders

  • Preparation of Plans of Management

  • Review applications (delegated decisions) and NCAT appeals

  • Prosecutions and disciplinary proceedings:

  • - Penalty Notices - advice/submissions to SDRO;
    - Local Court Proceedings;
    - Section 54 Applications for imposition of conditions;
    - Demerit Point Proceedings;
    - Complaint proceedings.
    - Liquor & Gaming NSW Compliance investigations;