Presentation by Tony Hatzis to the Liquor & Gaming 2024 CLE Seminar Held at Cliftons

22 March 2024

Presentation by Tony Hatzis to the LegalWise Liquor & Gaming Law Seminar 2024, held at Cliftons Sydney on 22 March 2024.

Tony's talk centred around recent changes and new developments to Liquor and Gaming Law in NSW, including the Vibrancy Reforms Legislation, enhanced regulatory powers, new processes for liquor applications including changes to ILGA Guideline 16, changes in trading hours and disturbance complaints provisions, and significant recent case law decisions.  

Other presenters at the seminar were Jane Lin (Executive Director of Regulatory Operations and Enforcement, Liquor & Gaming NSW), Leigh Barrett of Leigh Barrett and Associates, Lachlan Gepp of Addisons and Andrew Campbell of Hunt & Hunt.

READ NOW: Paper presented by Tony Hatzis to the Liquor & Gaming 2024 CLE Seminar